Excellent thoughts and reflections on Derrida, whose contributions to philosophy I never want to deny: my hope is only to suggest a difference between “metaphysical gaps” and “metaphysical apprehension.” I think you are correct that philosophers who discount essence, form, and substance still end up using the terms, and thanks for saying you liked that appendix! I really hope that helps people understand the terms. I agree that Derrida’s critique of “gaps” is spot on, and I also agree that Derrida meant “deconstruction” in the tradition of Heidegger, which means it’s ultimately supposed to be a positive and “constructive” undertaking. For these reasons, I try to make distinctions between Derrida and popular “deconstructionists,” who sometimes strike me as hardly having anything to do with one another, funny enough…Anyway, another great comment Vlad — thank you!